Microservice Circuit Breaker Pattern With RabbitMQ

Ensuring Resilience and Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems with the Circuit Breaker Pattern

Muralish Clinton
Level Up Coding


The Circuit Breaker pattern is a design pattern commonly used in distributed systems to prevent the spread of failures caused by an unresponsive or overloaded service.

It involves encapsulating a potentially risky code block, such as a remote service call, within a circuit breaker object that monitors its status. If the code block fails repeatedly, the circuit breaker trips and returns a fallback response, thereby preventing further damage to the system. This pattern aims to enhance the dependability and stability of distributed systems by offering a fast mechanism for detecting and responding to errors.

Photo by Raghavendra Saralaya on Unsplash

Ways to implement a circuit break pattern in your microservice?

The Circuit Breaker pattern can be implemented in a microservice architecture in various ways.

  • Use an existing library — Popular implementation approaches include using libraries such as Hystrix or Resilience4j, which offer features like fallbacks, bulkheads, and timeouts.
  • Use a service mesh — a platform like Istio can be used, which automatically handles service failures and provides fallback responses.
  • Custom logic — Developers can choose to manually implement the Circuit Breaker pattern by monitoring service call status and handling failures.

Regardless of the implementation approach, it is crucial to configure the Circuit Breaker appropriately to match the specific requirements of the microservice architecture. Factors such as service load, timeouts, and fallback responses should be considered to ensure that the Circuit Breaker provides the right level of resilience and fault tolerance for the system.

Circuit Breaker Logic

  1. Initialize the circuit breaker with properties such as default state, threshold, retry timeout, etc
  2. Wrap the function you want to protect with the circuit breaker function.
  3. Inside the circuit breaker function, by default it will check for the current state of the circuit breaker. If it is closed, the main function can execute, and the errors will be captured.
  4. A failure counter will be maintained, and it will reset to 0 whenever a success call is made. It will increment by 1 every time a failure is encountered.
  5. If the failure count exceeds the threshold, the circuit will open.
  6. The circuit will not close until the retry timeout has reached.

Using Rabbit MQ with the Circuit Breaker Pattern

RabbitMQ is a messaging system that enables different software applications to communicate with each other by providing a reliable and efficient way to send and receive messages. It works like a post office, where the sender application puts a message into a queue and the receiver application takes messages from that queue and processes them.

At a high level, to implement a circuit breaker using RMQ, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Deploy RabbitMQ — have a standalone RabbitMQ server.
  2. Publish messages — Your microservices can publish messages to a specific RabbitMQ queue to request data from other services.
  3. Set up the Circuit Breaker — Implement the Circuit Breaker pattern in the microservice that is requesting data from another service. The Circuit Breaker can be configured to monitor the RabbitMQ queue for messages and handle failures appropriately. If the number of failed requests exceeds a threshold, the Circuit Breaker will trip and prevent further requests from being sent to that service.
  4. Retry mechanism: The Circuit Breaker can be configured to retry the message delivery to the RabbitMQ queue after a certain interval of time. This helps in avoiding cascading failures by giving the failed service enough time to recover.
  5. Fallback mechanism: The Circuit Breaker can also be configured to provide a fallback response if the request fails multiple times. The fallback response can be a cached response or a default value, depending on the requirements of the system.
Photo by Troy Bridges on Unsplash

when working with RMQ, we should

  1. Declare an exchange — This is a logical entity that routes messages from producers to consumers. A direct type durable exchange would be ideal.
  2. Declare the queue — This is the data structure that will be holding the messages until the consumer processes them.
  3. Bind the exchange and the queue — A generic key “*” can be used.
  4. Set up the publisher confirms — This will ensure that the message is successfully delivered.
  5. Send messages with retry logic —Resend failed messages after a certain period of time.

In conclusion, circuit breakers play a critical role in ensuring the reliability and resilience of microservice architectures. They help prevent cascading failures, improve system resilience, provide real-time insights into the health of microservices, and reduce incident response time. By implementing circuit breakers in microservice architectures, teams can ensure that their systems are more stable, performant, and resilient, resulting in a better user experience and increased customer satisfaction.

